Journal of Technology, Theology, and Religion |
Theologians and theorists interested in religion are beginning to address technology on their own terms as a community-enabling tool. Community has surfaced through a variety of different dimensions, including online church opportunities, digitized diaspora, and the application of diverse modes of theological criticism to new technologies. JTTR's articles reflect popular interests among theologians such as virtual church, Facebook, cyborgs, and identity formation through cyberspace. We invite submissions on these and related topics, such as faith and video games, global connectedness and religious communities, online pedagogies and religious education, divisions created by technology use, religious attitudes toward technological innovation, ecology and sustainability, nanotechnology, genetic technology, and more.
JTTR can publish essays of any length, although most submission should be approximately 20-25 manuscript pages. Please follow Chicago Manual of Style.
Send articles, reviews, or queries to the JTTR editor at info@techandreligion.com.
Citations of JTTR articles and reviews can follow this format: Paul Emerson Teusner, "New Thoughts on the Status of the Religious Cyborg," Journal of Technology, Theology, and Religion 1:2 (October 2010): 1-18. Elizabeth Drescher, "Review of Nicholas Carr, The Shallows, and Clay Shirky, Cognitive Surplus," Journal of Technology, Theology, and Religion 1 (October 2010): 1-4. |